Flexbox Percentage Margins and Paddings

UPDATE: This has been addressed and updated in the latest WC3 Editor’s Draft, which you can read here. I came across a strange issue regarding a seemingly rare use-case, while dealing with specific aspect ratios for child elements combined with new-and-shiny Flexbox support in major browsers. Here’s the idea: we have a “grid” of list… Continue reading Flexbox Percentage Margins and Paddings

Five (Plus One) Unique Dummy Text Generators To Flavor Your Mockups

Bacon Ipsum – http://www.baconipsum.com/ Pork! It’s the meat of kings. Add a little protein to your body copy with Bacon Ipsum – a crispy, succulent Lorem Ipsum alternative. Just set the number of paragraphs you’d like, the content type (“All Meat” keeps it piggish, whereas “Meat and Filler” give you an extra hint of Ipsum),… Continue reading Five (Plus One) Unique Dummy Text Generators To Flavor Your Mockups

Categorized as Blog, Design

Internet Explorer 9 RC Now Available

Coming out of the blue today, Microsoft’s monopolizing web browser, Internet Explorer, got an upgrade. The latest release candidate is now available for download, and it boasts new features, better compatibility, and better security than its predecessors. As a web designer, I’m obligated to try anything that could possibly eradicate the horrors caused by IE6,… Continue reading Internet Explorer 9 RC Now Available